San Cristobal de las Casas is located high in the mountains of Chiapas and has always been a center of indigenous culture. Although the town is no longer held by the EZLN (they only held the town for 2 weeks in 1994), it is still a major center for indigenous culture.
Artwork here still speaks of the revolution that beats just below the surface. Stencils, murals, t-shirts and stickers bear images of the EZLN, Subcomandante Marcos, Che and other revolutionary thoughts, phrases and ideas.
Stencil art of all shapes and sizes can be found in San Cristobal. Bob Marley, a revolutionary thinker, is especially honored here as he represented freedom and peace and stood up for repressed people everywhere.
San Cristobal de las Casas in the highlands of Chiapas has a reputation as being a progressive place. Intellectuals and artists from all over the world are drawn to San Cristobal, creating a visual energy that cannot be denied.
In this city where crumbling colonial Spanish buildings are adorned with modern graffiti art, the old world meets the new world and the combination is enchanting. Graffiti art is a modern expression of the ideas and energy that has inspired these powerful times, especially here in the Mayan heartland.