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How to make own hoop earrings -elegant and expensive

Do you recognize these? We discovered them only recently, in the notions department at Mood.

They're boning. No, that's confusing. I mean, they aren't boning anything, that's what they're called. This woven steel version is the modern day equivalent of whalebone, used in corsets and such. Anyway, aren't they intricate? Like tiny, elaborate chain maile.

After a little experimentation we discovered I really enjoyed boning. I made these hoop earrings:

Cool, no? I think they look elegant and expensive, just unadorned like that.

But who could resist adding color and dangles? Not I!

Now look what happens if you flatten the mesh sideways...

Cool again!

The flattened shape also makes a really pretty pendant.

Such an Beautiful hoop earrings!

Go ahead, try boning in the privacy of your own home. I am pretty sure you will enjoy it as much as I did.

And, as a rabid Project Runway fan, I simply cannot resist signing off with this...

(Said in Tim Gunn voice) "Thank you, Mood!"